Map Production
We can assist with developing maps and providing spatial data to address Approvals and Compliance requirements.
For example:
Exploration Licence Applications: Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS). These licenses require the submission of maps that show the location and extent of the proposed exploration area, as well as sensitive information for environmental and heritage considerations.
Environmental Approvals: Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER). These approvals require the submission of maps and spatial data that show the potential environmental impacts of the proposed activities, as well as the mitigation measures that will be implemented to minimise these impacts. The DWER have also a set of data schemas for submission of environmental surveys and we can address these requirements.
Heritage Approvals: Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH) and Aboriginal Cultural Material Committee (ACMC). For sites that may impact on Aboriginal heritage sites. These approvals require the submission of maps that show the location and extent of the proposed activities, as well as any known or potential heritage sites. We can help create these maps with data from your TO surveys
Native Title Approvals: National Native Title Tribunal (NNTT) on land that is subject to native title. These approvals require the submission of maps that show the location and extent of the proposed activities, as well as any known or potential native title interests.
Mining Proposal Approvals: Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS). These approvals require the submission of maps that show the location and extent of the proposed mining area, as well as other information such as the proposed mining method, rehabilitation plans, and infrastructure requirements.
These approvals maps are subject to change by regulators and we work with your approvals team with clear visibility and realistic timeframes.
Spatial Data Analysis
GIS analysis for environmental approvals desktop
Spatial Data Submission
We can arrange for data to be packaged for submission with your approvals or compliance reporting to the regulator. This is stripped of unnecessary information and may require alignment to a defined schema. That’s no problem.